
Brandon 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4, 2012

Brandon has been home for 2 months now. It was difficult at first getting used to schedules and routines but we've adjusted very well. He has been going to outpatient rehab since he came home and continues to improve with each day that passes. He can now move his left leg consistantly and has gained more movement in his right leg too. He is now using an ultra light wheelchair that the hospital has loaned him and is able to manuver it easily. He is waiting for his custom ultra light wheelchair to arrive soon. He has done remarkably well at rehab and is able to transfer in and out of his bed to the wheelchair independently. He has been standing at the parallel bars with support from the therapist. They now attach electrodes to the muscles of each leg and he can bicycle for 30 minutes with electrical stimulation. He is still having some short term memory problems so his doctor started him on medication that is used to help patients with alzheimers. He believes it is beginning to help him. Brandon has had an amazing attitude throughout his 6 month ordeal. It is so nice having our old Brandon back again. We are all optimistic that he will make a complete recovery, but know this may take some time. We look forward to the future when he will start attending school to begin preparations for a career. Brandon is working towards his independence day. He is such an inspiration to all of us!

You can do it Brandon!

Brandon's first day home. Brick was so happy to see him!

Brandon with Travis Wing at his niece Samantha's blessing 2 days after he got out of the hospital

Brandon at our 4th of July party


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I apologize, So much has been going on with Brandon lately and I have done a really poor job of updating the blog.  Brandon has done some AMAZING work in rehab over the last few weeks and you can really tell how much stronger he is getting both physically and mentally.  His right arm is really staring to come along.  He is able to use it to help lift himself and can even write a sentence with it!  Brandon has had a slight infection this last week but he is doing much better with antibiotics and it he has not let it slow down his therapy.  Brandon's lungs are doing well and they were able to take the tracheotomy out of his neck!  This is such a huge milestone for him.  Brandon is still unable to use his lower extremities and the future remains uncertain as to what ability he will recover.  However, we are excited to see that Brandon can now move his left hip voluntarily!  This is very encouraging!  Brandon was able to come home and visit for the day on Sunday.  It was so nice to have him home!  His dog, Brick, was especially excited to see him!  He is also going to go to the movies today and we are making preparations to have him home for good on Friday!!!!!
We are so excited to have him home and start the next phase of his journey.  Brandon would really love to see his friends and family now that he is home.  Just call mom or dad to let them know when you would like to stop by.

Good job Brandon, You made it Home!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday April 17, 2012

Brandon has been progressing very well in the Rehabilitation facility.  He has had another procedure to dilate his esophagus and is starting to enjoy more solid foods.  Brandon's lungs are getting stronger and he only requires the assistance of the CPAP machine at night! He has been working hard in his physical therapy sessions to gain strength in his arms, back and trunk.  Brandon is now able to sit up on his own for a very short period of time!  Brandon's strength is very important because they have given him a tentative day to go home of May 4th!  This is very exciting but there is a lot to do in order to get ready for him.  We are starting to do some remodeling on the house and are researching some equipment that will help Brandon be comfortable at home and become more self sufficient.  We are so proud of his progress and look forward to having him home again and progressing in the next step of his journey!

Happy Easter Buddy!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tuesday April 3, 2012

Brandon finally made it to Rehab! He is finally healthy enough to go with one change from his past two attempts. The doctors now feel Brandon will do best if he has his trach buttoned during the day and put back on the ventilator at night to allow his lungs to recuit his lung capacity. He is thrilled to be back and determined not to leave until it's time to go home.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Friday March 30, 2012

Brandon is having a much better day today. He is back to having his trach buttoned which allows him to breath on his own, speak and have small sips of juice and water. He was also able to go down to radiology in the afternoon to do the barium swallow study where he found out he can now eat pureed and soft food such as ice cream and cheesecake. He had his first real meal in over 3 months! He was so excited to eat mashed potatoes, chicken soup, cheesecake and hot chocolate.

Congratulations Brandon!!!

Thursday March 29, 2012

Brandon had a rough early morning on Wednesday. He began running a fever and needed a bronoscopy to clear out his lungs again. He was then put back on the ventilator to reinflate the right lung. Results from his lung cultures showed he has another infection. This means his moving back to the Rehab has to be postponed once more.

Tuesday March 27, 2012

Brandon has continued to ride the roller coaster of health issues. It was decided that he would wait another day in the ICU to continue to prepare to have his esophagus dilated on Tuesday. He has been working hard to stretch his mouth to allow for the bite block he needs to wear for the procedure. He is now able to fit 14 tongue depressors between his molars on both sides of his mouth. Brandon, no one can call you a big mouth!

The procedure went well Tuesday afternoon and the doctor was able to stretch his esophagus from 5 milimeters to 8 milimeters. He will have more dilations every two weeks until he gets to 18 milimeters.This is still quite small so Brandon will have a barium swallow study to determine what food he can actually eat.

Remember...Baby Steps!!