
Brandon 2007

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday, January 20th

Brandon continues to have his eyes open for small periods throughout the day. Yesterday he even started to try to communicate with the nurses! They called mom and dad in the night to let them know that they asked him if his head hurt and to blink his eyes once for "yes" and twice for "no". He blinked once so they were able to give him something for the pain. They also asked for him to move his tongue and he did it! While we are not certain that he is communicating, we are hopeful that these actions are intentional. We will keep asking him "yes" and "no" questions to recognize whether or not he is truly communicating and keep you posted!

We expect for Brandon's progress to come slowly and expect there will be days in which there is not much to blog about. Don't be alarmed if there is not a post every day but rest assured that we will write about any changes as soon as they happen.

Our family would like to thank our friends and family for all of the prayers that have been offered for Brandon. We have faith that God is watching over Brandon and our family during this difficult trial. We appreciate your love and encouragement and words of prayer.

So much love....all for you buddy!

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