
Brandon 2007

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday, January 31st

Brandon is doing very well.  He slept most of the day on Friday and Saturday but tried really hard to work with the physical therapists when they were in.  On Sunday Dr A decided that it might be beneficial to do the plasma replacement therapy again to make sure that there is not any autoimmune issues that could be causing inflammation.  None of Brandon's tests have shown anything like this but he did seem to react well to the therapy last time. 

Sunday afternoon Brandon really perked up and was giving big smiles and thumb hugs to everyone!  He has also learned to make kisses with his lips and move his eyebrows up and down!  Some of the most exciting improvements for Brandon have been with his head and left hand.  He can now use his left arm to move his wrist and hand and can curl his fingers!  We now call these 'hand hugs' instead of 'thumb hugs' because he has gotten so strong with his left hand. Brandon has been working really hard during physical therapy to hold up his head and move it from side to side.  Yesterday mom and dad were talking about how exciting it will be when he can nod his head 'yes'.  They looked over and Brandon nodded!  They were so excited and asked him if he could shake his head 'no'....and he did that too!  We are so excited and proud of Brandon's hard work.

Keep it up......All your hard work is paying off!!!

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