
Brandon 2007

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday, January 8th

Brandon's fever has come down significantly this morning and his white blood cell counts have also dropped. His other stats are becoming more stable as well. The Respiratory Therapist switched him off of the ventilator and over to the CPAP setting this morning to test how well he can breath on his own. He was able to sustain this for about an hour! He is now back on the ventilator and appears to be resting. We are so proud of the amount of effort he is showing and I am sure he is exhausted. Although he is still not responding to commands, he appears to be trying to opening his eyes a bit more. We, and the doctors, all feel that these are very encouraging signs!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of him today. tell him to keep it up. Can't wait to hear more.
