
Brandon 2007

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday, January 22nd

After a couple of days of good rest and not much activity, Brandon is much more active today.  He has been opening his eyes and trying to focus for several minutes throughout the day!  Mom and Dad held up his picture with Brick (his dog) and he followed it with his eyes as they moved it around.  This type of following gaze is very exciting to see!  He also seems to have gained quite a bit more control of his tongue and he was able to stick it out past his teeth when mom asked him to! More great news......the ventilator has been switched to standby!  This allows Brandon to breath entirely on his own with some additional oxygen to keep his levels high enough.  They will continue to put the machine on standby intermitently until he no longer needs the additional oxygen and then they can take him off of the ventilator completely! Dr. R stopped by this afternoon and is still very optimistic about Brandon's progress and recovery.  He told us to bug Brandon at any time to get him to respond and wake up during the day. This is actual permission, from a professional, to pester our little brother!

We love you Brandon!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is all so great to hear. We will keep praying for the recovery to be smooth. Go Brandon!
